Clinical and Translational Science Center

Advancing Translational Science to Create a Healthier World

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  • Call for Project Applications to the Upcoming New Funding Mechanism

    We will be submitting a new center grant under the new UM1 mechanism in Spring 2025. This new opportunity from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS) focuses on translational science and research, allowing for several (approximately 4 - 6) highlighted projects that demonstrate our support of and impact on translational science. Under this new Center for Translational Science Award (CTSA), we will be able to fund these projects for varying lengths of duration. These opportunities require a brief (two-page maximum) concept document for internal review by CTSC leadership.

    The deadline to apply is Friday, July 5.

    Learn more and apply
  • two professionals sitting side by side at a desk looking at a laptop computer screen

    Our Programs

    Through our various programs, we serve as a catalyst to support biomedical research projects by providing services and resources to investigators, staff, scholars, trainees, and community partners. 

    Learn more about our programs
  • two people working side by side in a research laboratory

    Investigator Resources

    We provide access to a comprehensive array of services to assist investigators in advancing translational science to create a healthier world.

    View our resources
  • 2023 At a Glance Report

    This report highlights both the research we help facilitate and the many programs and services we offer to make this happen. Investigators working within the vital area of translational research are moving basic science discoveries and clinical trials more quickly and efficiently into practice. The CTSC exists to support them, thereby fulfilling our own mission to “advance translational science to create a healthier world.”

    Download the report